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Grinduro A Smashing Success
Now in its sophomore year, Grinduro! was back and better than we could have ever imagined! The crowd was stoked, the bands were jamming, the weather was outstanding, and the riding – well even...
$5 a Foot Winner for 2016 is…
We are pleased to announce our winner of this year's $5 Bucks A Foot fundraiser is Sarah Maguire of Switzerland! Sarah, along with 2,530 others who donated, helped us raise a record $71,685!...
Folsom Lake SRA Granite Bay Doton’s Point Trail Restoration Project
The purpose of the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, Granite Bay Doton’s Point Trail restoration project is to conduct and complete trail work the week of June 13-17, 2016. This work is intended...
Now Hiring Seasonal Trail Builders!
We are looking for a few trail loving enthusiasts that want to get paid building and maintaining world-class trails in Plumas and Sierra counties. The job is physically and mentally demanding;...
Quincy Mount Hough Grant Comments Needed!
In partnership with Plumas County, the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS) has submitted an annual application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle...
Downieville OHV Grant Support Wanted
The Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS) has submitted an annual application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, to request funding...
Life on the Trail – February 2016
February brought warmer temperatures, many sunny days, and a lot of progress on some local trails! For the last few weeks, the trail crew has been hard at work on the Mt. Hough OHV trail system....
Special Trailfest Announcement!
In addition to the Mardi Gras theme, SBTS will host an awards ceremony at Trailfest for those who’ve had a huge positive impact on the Stewardship this year. We are very excited to announce this...