We Need Your Comments For Downieville and Quincy Trailwork

We have applied for 2 Ground Operation grants this year and need your comments to CA-OHV on both so we can receive the grants and continue trail maintenance work through the summer of 2018.


The entire Downieville OHV trail system requires annual maintenance to ensure that conditions sustain or improve. General maintenance includes but is not limited to: log out, brushing, hazard tree removal, braking bump removal, tread repair, tread buffing, large debris removal and the enhancement or construction of drainage structures.

Mt. Hough Trail System

The Mt Hough application now includes Mt Hough Trail System, Snake Lake, Claremont, and Nelson Creek! This trail system needs annual maintenance throughout the entire length to ensure that conditions sustain or improve. General maintenance includes but is not limited to: logout, brushing, hazard tree removal, braking bump removal, tread repair, tread buffing, large debris removal and the enhancement or construction of drainage structures. All trails in the list below will receive general maintenance and monitoring by SBTS trail crew staff.  Through SBTS members and partners there is an ongoing monitoring program to identify problems as they occur, then correct them as soon as possible.

Instructions on how to comment

Step 1- Go to this page and click on “To Provide Public Comment, click here”
Step 2- Click on the “•••” button next to “Agency”
Step 2- Choose Agency
(type in Agency Name: “Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship” for Downieville and click “Lookup”)
(type in Agency Name: “Plumas County” for Mt. Hough and click “Lookup”)
Step 3- Click on +Comment icon
Step 4- Enter personal information and comment.

Visual Guide on how to comment


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3