November has kept the crew really busy on the trail. We finally completed the construction and maintenance of the loop on Indian Falls Ridge 2 on Mt. Hough in Quincy. This took longer than expected but we worked with every little bit of rock on the ridge and made a fun, challenging little section to ride.

While the crew was building this amazing singletrack, a few of us were spending a week out around Snake Lake building drains with the tractor on the doubletrack. The Forest Service requested we put these routes in our OHV grant so we’re getting it done. We have one section to complete near Snake Lake that is on all the maps, but does not exist on the ground and we are building a 1000 foot connection and opening .5 miles of old road bed in order to match what is on the maps.

We will be buffing out the bottom few miles of Hough as long as it’s not too muddy. In the middle of November Tyler and Ben got in a couple days on the Downieville side just before the snow, cleaning out drains on Butcher, Pauley and Third Divide to prevent erosion during the wet winter months.