THE LOST SIERRA ROUTE Solving economic isolation and revitalizing the Lost Sierra with a unique, community connecting trail for everyone.
THE LOST SIERRA Is a region of Northern California that has suffered through several boom and bust extraction economies.
Today, the region is going through a trail renaissance.
Imagine a place where the trail seems endless
The Lost Sierra Route Approximately 300 miles of multi-use trail will connect 14 town centers.
They truly hit another mother lode.
This project must get back in motion. (We need the jobs it will create.)
When times get tough, we dig in. Will you help us?
We need your help to build this trail system.
Please be a part of this story.
Your support will: Build a trail system. Create jobs. Sustain a region.
Contact Greg Williams 530 613 2847

The Lost Sierra Route is an amazing undertaking, and we hope it strikes your interest. For more information on how to support The Lost Sierra Route & Connected Communities, please contact: Greg Williams at