Thank you for your support. Builders for Builders raised $20,095

Builders for Builders Raised Over $20,000

Sending a MASSIVE thank to nearly 700 (!) of you who donated in this year’s Builders For Builders Fundraiser! Together, we brought in more than $20,000 for trails in the Lost Sierra.

Special nod to all the builders, and especially Caletti CyclesSyCip BicyclesMosaic Cycles  and NeuHaus Metal Works, one of whom will fabricate a custom gravel frame for the winner. We’re so grateful for all the support and to be able to continue making Dirt Magic!

Caletti, Sycip, Neuhaus Mosaic

Nick donated to support SBTS’ Connected Communities project, which he hopes can be an example for other communities developing trails with an eye toward economic revitalization.

“When I looked at the fundraiser, I was so fired up to see it was something not only established by the Stewardship, but there were really big hitters behind it. It isn’t just one and done, there were a handful of builders involved that are all very respected. It made me think this is something that’s becoming more of a beacon.”

Nick Chang
Nick Chang Builders for Builders supporter and winner.

For his grand prize, Nick selected a custom titanium frame fabricated by John Caletti of Caletti Cycles in Santa Cruz, as Nick, who’s based in the Bay Area, was excited to support a California builder. We’ll finish the build with parts from our partners WTB, Paul Component Engineering and White Industries.

Thank you to Nick and everyone who contributed to this fundraiser, and especially our partners in the builder community. Together we raised more than $20,000 for trails in the Lost Sierra!