Hear about 2025 Trail Projects

Quincy Trail Projects Open House — February 3rd

Plumas County, in collaboration with the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS), is seeking funding through the OHMVR program to support Ground Operations and proposed Development projects to continue maintaining the trails within the Mt. Hough OHV area. This funding would facilitate trail maintenance across 78 miles of motorized singletrack within the Plumas National Forest and enable the construction of new trails.

Maintenance activities are focused on addressing downed trees, hazard trees, repairing trail tread, and mitigating erosion in post-fire areas.

The Development proposal focuses on building new trails and expanding recreational opportunities.

The public is invited to an open house meeting on February 3rd, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM, at the Quincy Library, located at 445 Jackson St, Quincy. This meeting is an opportunity for public review and input on these projects. Community feedback is encouraged and greatly valued.

February 3rd, 4:30 to 6:00 PM
Quincy Library